Curriculum Vitae
2014 Ph.D. (with Honours) in Earth Sciences from the Universitat de Barcelona
2010 Ms.C. in Geology and Sedimentary Reservoirs from the Universitat de Barcelona
2009 Degree in Geology from the Universitat de Barcelona
2023- Posdoctoral Researcher at Universitat de Barcelona
2021- Assistant Lecturer at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
2022-2022 Researcher at the Geomodels Research Institute of the Universitat de Barcelona
2018-2021 Senior Geologist at CGG GeoSpec UK
2015-2018 Exploration Geologist at Gas Natural Fenosa
2010-2015 Researcher at the Geomodels Research Institute of the Universitat de Barcelona
Comprehensie characterization and understanding of Naturally Fractured Carbonates Geothermal Reservoirs in the NCA.
Diagenesis controled by folds and faults in orogenic systems and rifting: Implications in geothermal and CO2 storage resourses.
Next-generation Deepwater Core Imaging and Analysis of Research Cores from the Ainsa and Tabernas Basins, Spain.
Unravelling fluid flow during the evolution of inverted basins and orogenic belts: application to CO2 storage.
Salt tectonics evolution and petroleum system of the Zagros thrust belt (Fars area) Eastern Iran.
Methods of capture, treatment and interpretation of geological data using 2D/3D computer tools.
Geological and Geophysical characterisation of "Les Pinasses".
3D geological modelling for potential location of CO2 storage plants.
Geological characterisation of the storage pilot plant structure and surface and subsurface analogue structures (Ayoluengo field).
Positive inversion of salt structures in the Western Pyrenees.
All images and text © 2024 Eloi Carola